Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Home Grown

Lately I've been having a growth spurt.  Mom says she's okay if I don't have one for awhile because her back hurts (We've heard enough of that broken record). My body grows.  Can I help that?  No. Things just don't feel the same as they used to or else I don't fit in them the way I used to.  For example:
Quit staring at my man boobies.

My tubby.  I love bath time (after Aunty Kris taught my mom about temperature control).  I'm not a splasher, I'm a soaker.  I like the luxury of a bath.  The relaxation.  But this last week or so my little blue tub would overflow when I would sit in it.  And it even started creaking a little.  Not great for my self esteem.  Dad finally told my mom it was time to put me in the big tub.  They settled on the kitchen sink.  I love it.  It's pretty slippy, but I'm digging it.  It's like a personal hot tub.  Turn on the jets, mom!  Bring in some bikini girls too!  Throw a couple burgers on the grill for me, why don't cha.

Do they make this is King Kole size?

My cribber.  Recently, I have enjoyed trying different positions to sleep in.  At night, mom tucks me in really tight so I stay put. And most of the time I am too sleepy to squirm all around.  But for naps I like to be creative.  Try new things.  Expand my horizon.  When I was younger, this was easy.  I had all the space in the world- but no strength to get there.  Now, that I can get to where I want to be.... I don't fit all that well.  If I lay vertically my wings can touch both sides and I like to grasp the sides.  If I lay horizontally....I'm a little cramped.

Can you picture me and my fine behind on the beaches of Brazil?
My didies.  I've been a size three since I was about 2 months old.  I skipped Newborns, wore Ones for like a week and went right to 2s.  Then I went up to 3s and there I have happily stayed.  Until this last week when mom kept putting me in these teeny tiny diapers.  I mean SMALL!  I was getting little cuff marks on my thighs.  She would apologize and explain that there was still half a box left.  What does THAT mean?  Why do I care?  Get me some relief.  Since she didn't seem to understand the way I was communicating... I tried a different tactic.  Peeing.  Peeing as hard and as long as I could.  I knew if I could really saturate my diaper I could get it to leak.  It worked like a charm.  For three nights I peed through my diaper, onesie, jammies, and sheets!  Hahaha!  That'll show you mom!  She caved and her and dad got me my new glorious 4s.  I finally have some breathing room.

I'm not as bald as the camera makes me look.  I swear.
Bottles.  My mom has started me on the most fantastic foods.  I love pears and sweet potatoes and carrots and bananas and apples and even the rice cereal.  So good.  I don't love.... the peaches.  I spit them out on mom's face.  Oh, it's classic.  A real laugh.  Mom had tried giving me a bottle with some water in it.. what am I?  A rookie?  An amateur?  C'mon- I'm eating big kid food give me a big kid cup!  A sippy, please.  I love my sippy.  I can hold it and tilt it and throw it.  Sometimes I can even get some water to come out!  I think it makes me look distinguished and mature.  Don't tell...but I still would take a bottle of milk....I liked being spoiled sometimes a lot!

 So-that's proof- I'm growing.  Mom says (all teary) that that's exactly what little boys are supposed to do.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Cowboy In Me

Many moons ago my cousin, Greta, gave me a big blue horse.  She said she had "outgrown" it and it "no longer held interest for her."  Is she nuts?!  This pony is out of this world!  Hours of fun.  HOURS!  My day used to be like this: Wake up, eat, play on the floor, sit with mom and read, play on the floor downstairs, run errands, go to bed.  (With lots of eating mingled in there.) 
Now that I have been bestowed with such a noble charger this is how my day goes:  Wake up, think about the horse, eat while thinking about the horse, play on the floor while I try to roll to get closer to the horse, sit with mom while she reads and I stare at and reach for the horse... then finally I get to PLAY IN THE HORSE!  It's the best part of my day.  Mom picks me up and puts me in the seat and I am standing!  All by myself!  I know, right?  And I can jump and bounce and I don't need nay help from anyone.  Just me and my noble steed charging the wild west looking for outlaws and Indians and our next meal.  I can gallop for 45 minutes without stopping.  I'm working toward an hour.  Just hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop... breathe pant..... hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop hop.  I know I am a man so I am a little embarrassed to admit this but... I occasionally squeal with delight.  

This seems okay....

Yeah!  I think I like it....

I do like it!  I like it a LOT!

This is great!  I love it!

This is the greatest thing EVER!  I want to stay here forever! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Half Birthday, Son!

Hey Koley,
This is mommy and daddy.  We are sneaking onto your blog to write you a special Half Birthday message.  You are 6 months old today!  Happy Happy Half Birthday!  You are the best boy parents could ask for.  You are a very happy, smiley baby.  We love coming up with new ways to make you smile.  Or laugh.  And we have learned that it has to be actually funny to make you laugh.  Peek-a-boo doesn't always work.  You have a grown up sense of humor that makes you all the more charming.  You are such a big boy now and we are very proud of you.
Right now your absolute favorite thing is the bouncy horse from your cousin Greta.  You haven't even had it a week but you are obsessed with it!  We're surprised you haven't blogged about it yet.  It is all you want to talk about.  You get in there and hop hop hop hop hop hop and then you lay your head down and breathe and then hop hop hop hop hop hop.  For hours.  Not kidding.  Hours.  And you are smiling the whole time.
You also like to see how fast you can roll.  We've started bringing you downstairs a lot more.  It's carpeted down there.  Dad calls it the Koley Cannoli Emporium.  At first you just lay there and smile and look around and then... when you think no one is looking... BAM!  You're up and rolling.  You can roll from one side of the room to the other without even breaking a sweat.  You do sweat sometimes.  Which, to us, is surprising.  We thought only adults sweat.
You have a very big heart, Kole.  You love everyone you come in contact with.  Especially, your family.  You find a way to show us you love us every day.  Sometimes it's by rubbing your head on our shoulders, or giving a soft cuddle, or smiling really big at a joke or dance that maybe wasn't that funny.
We love you so much.  We are thankful you have made our family whole.
Happy 6 months, son.

Momsy and Popsicle

Mom Who?

#1  Hanging upside down with Dad.
Here is a list, accompanied by pictures, of my current favorite things on this good green Earth.
(Take copious notes.)
#2  Dad snuggles.

#3  Being a Dad Hat.
#4  Reading books with Dad.
#5  Eating big people food like Dad.

#6  Rolling over to get closer to Dad.

Friday, January 14, 2011

New Found Love

With the recent alignment of the stars my mom finally gave into my pleas to eat real food like a big boy.  No more of relying on her for meals.  I'm ready to be an independent!  I've watched mumsy and popsicle eat meal after mouth watering meal and they never offered one bite.  Not one!  They just stuffed their faces with pizza, enchiladas, alfredo, turkey!  Da nerve!
Today I was itching for some food and mom put me in this chair. I could sit up really easy- that alone thrilled me.  Then mom gave me this toy that was kinda hard and skinny.  It was pretty round.  It was bright green and on the end there was a big scoop.  I took it and looked at mom.  She had one too!  Hers was blue.  Was this a game?  Mom sure looked jazzed about something!  She used her toy and dipped it in this yellowish goop.  And then aimed it at my mouth.  I, without thinking, opened my mouth.  It was instinct.  I closed my mouth.  Hmmm... soft.... cool....  What is this stuff?  I opened my mouth timidly again.  Mmmm!  Sweet... Delicious!  I opened my mouth and leaned forward. More! More! More!  I thought, "I think I am eating."  I was eating!  Real food!  Like an adult!  Mom told me it was Applesauce. 
Oh Applesauce how I love thee!  How I dream of thee!  How thou soothes my hunger.  Thou art heavenly, Applesauce.
I ate until I couldn't eat another bite.  It was glorious. 
It was everywhere.  On my clothes, in my hair, under my chin, on the floor, on the chair, on mom, on the wash rag, on the table, in my ear, on my hands, inside my shirt.  Dad is going to love this!  He loves sticky things.
Mom got a clean, warm rag and wiped me down.  She changed my clothes and then...

I slept.  I slept for 3 hours with visions of  Applesauce dancing in my head.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Do you see the resemblance? 

Astonishing, is it not?
I think it should be renamed in my honor, "Kole."

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is it a Toothie?

I'm a growing cubber.  Everyday I discover something new about myself.  I just found out I had feet!  Feet, the toy that goes wherever I do.  I discover different parts of my voice, new sounds I can make banging my hands,  new ways to move my body, ways to carry things, more productive ways to make a boom boom in my diaper (hold your breath and grunt.... that's the trick), things that make me laugh... I take in a lot every day.  I pride myself on my observance.  Since I'm so new on this planet... sometimes things happen to me and I don't know what it is.  I can't tell my mom because I don't know what it is myself.  This week something is going on in my body.  I'm not sure what it is.  Can you help me?

  1. I bite everything.  Toys, blankets, towels, clothes, wash rags, even the boob that feeds me.  But I will NOT take a teething ring.  It is cold and tastes freezer burn.
  2. I'm the slobber king.  Don't let that be a turn off (or hint) for you... I'm also the Snuggle King!
  3. I am taking a sabbatical from my naps.  I don't deem them necessary at this stage in my life.  (Mom made me promise I would tell you that I did sleep all night last night and that she was very proud of me for doing so.)
  4. I don't like when mom touches my gums.  It's my mouth- hands out.  I don't put my hands in your mouth.... oh wait.... yes I do.  Still!  Don't go putting your hands in MY mouth.
  5. I'm not cranky ALL day... but I confess I've had my moments recently. 
  6. I'll be six months old next week.
  7. I have a rash on my chin...and cheeks. Keep in mind I am a prolific drooler and I have lots of Bubbas that give me kisses.
  8. I'm perfectly happy when my dad is home.
  9. I don't think my moms milk is all that great.  I can take a few sips and then.... be done.  What's the big deal... it's only milk and it's always there.  I can take it or leave it.  Mom says this is a DRASTIC change  (huge emphasis on drastic... wave your hands and everything) Apparently I used to be quite the snorting little piggy.
Whaddaya think.  I can reason my way OUT of teething.  Other babies have told me it's rather awful.  But I know it's going to come one day.  Maybe I'm just going through a phase.  That's what my mom says when she has NO idea what's going on.  "It's just a phase."  Bless her tender, naive heart.  Teething, growing, phasing I'm still a happy baby.  I still laugh a lot.  I still like to snuggle and cuddle and be read to.  To tell you the truth I kinda want a toothie.  Then I can be like the big kids.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Level 5

A week ago if you would have asked me the secret to getting attention in the middle of the night- I would have stuck to my original claim that I am THE pro.  I would tell you that no baby knows better and that my tactics were fail-proof.   Binky-Back Guarantee.  I'd let my buds Jay-Z and Rihanna tell you Who Gonna Run This Town Tonight.. We are.  Yeah I know dat We Are!

But my fellow curtain crawlers. I've lost my touch.  Something has forever been changed in my crib.  I've been pulling out all the stops.  And, sadly, I've lost my touch. It started two nights ago.  Mom tried putting me down for bed around 8:30.  As smart as my mom is- I have to say I know myself better than she knows me and I felt like I could have stayed up a little longer.  At least until 9.  C'mon I'm 5 months old now.  I'm not a baby.  So I started the usual routine.  Talking.  I let a few Nananana's and some Mwamwamwa's.  Nothing.  Maybe some spurts of crying would work.  I tried it.  Nothing.  I wasn't feeling deterred so I went on to step three- prolonged crying.  This is where I try to cry non-stop for as long as I can.  It's not loud or necessarily piercing- it's just an alert.  In the past this is all it takes to get a little TLC.  This time...No response.  At all!  What was going on?  I hated going to step four but mom was leaving me no choice.  I screamed.  Loud.  I tried to make it sound like I was in pain.  Or hurt.  Or really really super scared.  I must have screamed 5 times.  I waited for my door to open.  For light from the hallway to come in and for my mom to pick me up, apologize for making me lay miserably in my crib, and take me to the living room to watch a movie and snuggle with her.  My wait was in vain.  My screams were in vain.  No one came. 
I had never gone all the way to 5 before. 
I never had to!  Mom normally came in at 2!  But- I couldn't hold back.  She had pushed me to my limit.  I let out number 5.  I transformed into a full on crying, screaming, thrashing, rolling, maniac.  A tantrum?  No no no.  This was beyond tantrum.  This was necessary.  I gave her all I had.  In fact, I didn't even know I had that in me. 
It was sensational.  Beyond anything I've done before.  I don't see the need to brag but mom did come in.  She came in.  It was magical.  Her smell.  Her smooth skin.  Her smiling face.  I couldn't help but smile back.  And as soon as I did... the magic was gone.  The spell broken.  She gave my hand a little tiny squeeze and out she went. 
I've lost my touch.  She didn't come back.  I couldn't last long.  I was really sleepy.  I dozed off within minutes.  I'm not broken though.  I've still got fight in me.  But as far as being the pro.  The baby with all the answers?  I'm not feeling that anymore.

Unless I devise a new plan.  Yes.  A new plan for mommies to come in.
Don't worry babies!  I'm on it!