Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Paper Shredder DeLUXE

My favorite toy is my horse.  But that's really hard for my mom to lug everywhere...bless her heart for trying to.  My favorite transportable toy that is literally ev. ER. EE.where is....PAPER! 
I love to rip it, crunkle it, slobber on it, eat it, roll around on it, hold it up to the light, fold it in to paper airplanes.  Well...okay... I can't fold it into planes yet.  But it's on my "to conquer" list.

So!  When I come over... please have a nice stack of paper.  Old mail will do just fine.  But magazines... magazines are my favorite.  I'll take catalogues also.  I love that shiny glossy paper.


  1. Something you and Max have in common.

  2. Please come visit me Kole, or allow me to visit you and I promise I will bring paper!

  3. I see you have taken a liking to Oprah, Kole. Teach your cousin, Greta, THAT please. I can only take so much singing animals.

  4. Look at you, sitting up so good! Paper is definitely a crowd-pleaser. We got lots of it over here. :)
