Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mancub on Vacation 101

Fig. 1 Mancub is bathed in deep waters.  Enjoys new ritual.
 Dad-cub watches for oncoming predators. (i.e. Mom-cub with her camera)
Fig. 2  Mancub rests in Big Bear den.  Parties most of the night. 
Wakes after little sleep joyful, excited, and giggly. 
Mom-cub and Dad-cub wake groggy, stiff, and achy.
Fig. 3 Mancub on the hunt for toys gets lost amid hotel sheets and blankets. 
Cries for rescue. 
Then realizes it's pretty fun in there and makes himself very heavy and difficult to lift.
Fig. 4 Mancub in his trunks ready to cruise for Bahama Mammas.
Confident his physique will enhance his chances.
Fig. 5 Mancub sees Mancub-ess cousin in same "trunks."
Wait a minute!  MOM!!!  You said that they were for boys because they had a bikini girl on them!  That's a mermaid!  That's The Little Mermaid!  And they are PINK!  What do you take me for?  A fool?  I'm not going to get any girls wearing these dorky girl diapers!
I'm so embarrassed.


  1. Cute as ever! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  2. Hahaha! My poor boys have had to wear girly swimming diapers many a time. I like the carpet in that hotel.
