Monday, June 20, 2011

Good Things Come in 3s

When I was just a baby I had to have my mom feed me.  At the time I thought nothing could be better.  Well.  Boy have my eyes been opened!  I stand (while holding onto something) before you a liberated man.  I prefer to feed myself these days.  Take today, for instance.  I fed myself Rice Chex, mozzarella cheese, one half of a baaa-nana, and some stuffing left over from yesterday.  I take my time.  I coast along at a leisurely pace and I savor every bite with Mmmmmms and approving nods and occasionally a little lip licking.  I like to put up a lot of fanfare for my mom.

Speaking of fanfare- I woke up one day and there was a magic carpet in my living room!  Talk about freakin' awesome!  I don't know where it came from (or where it went.... hmmmm....) but I sure loved riding it.
At first I was a leetle beet nervous.
Then I remembered I'm a dare-devil.

... and devilishly handsome.

Lastly, I have lost some weight.  My goal was to be in jeans by summer.  Accomplished!  I am down to 24 pounds.  Mom says I am getting a lot of exercise and I should feel good about it.  But I do think she misses Chubby Koley.  I look at pictures of my "old self" and just cringe!  I was HUGE!  Why didn't anyone tell me?  I'm posting some before and afters.  Let it be known I did this all on my own.  No Weight Watchers no Jenny Craig.  All me!

After.  Notice the distinction that is my neck.  And my pecs.  Defined.

Before.  Too many cheetos and late night TV.

Before.  HA!  The rolls are innumerable.  And my head is so ROUND!

Before.  *Sigh* That holiday weight sticks with ya.

After.  My smile is a little awkward but, in my defense, I knew I was being photographed for an "after" and I was trying to get my body positioned to look it's slimmest.  Baby wants to look fit! 


  1. Baaaa hahahahahaha Koley! Look at you boi!!! Wow, I love his premadonna pose in the middle there

  2. Quite the poser! and quite the accomplishment of the weight loss! Haha! It is fun to go back and see their pictures after they start "thinning out" when they start crawling and walking!
