Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Personal Ad

Ladies, I'm an independent man. 
Ruler of the roost.  Big Man on Campus.  Head Hancho.  The Big Cheese.  Boss-man. 
You can call me Captain or Sir if you want.
Because I've come to the realization that there is nothing I can not do.
Let's see...
I feed myself Baby Mums Mums and Teething Crackers like 3 or 4 times a day.
Sometimes I go wild and eat fruit puffs.  Not too many, though, I want to keep up a certain physique. 
I pull myself up to play the piano.  I can reach the white keys and sometimes- if I am on my tippy toes I
can even hit the black ones.
I climb stairs.  Which is great exercise for my heart. (and my mom)
I can turn the TV off and on by just pushing one button.  There's never any shows on though.  It's just a black screen.  I put a complaint in the box... but you know how those boxes are.  They don't ever read the complaints.
I turn the pages to all the books mom reads me.  I determine the pace.  Sometimes we take it slow and mom reads the same page four or five times and then there are times I want to get on with my day and we whiz through books taking them two- sometimes three pages at a time.
I undo my own diaper.  Sometimes it needs changed and sometimes I just want a little fresh air.
I have let my hair grow super long in the back.  Honing in my hippie vibes.  Yeah, it's kinda rebellious. I won't let my mom cut it.  But let me tell you, it is soft hair ma' ladies.  Super soft.
I hold my own wash rag in the tub and, when so inclined, I scrub my body with it.

I open drawers, cupboards, closets, chests, boxes, purses, dishwashers... you name it... I can figure out how to open it and empty it.  Skills, babe.  Skills.
When we are at the playground I go like 20 feet away from mom without even turning around to see if she is still there.  I know.  Wild streak.  Buy me a Harley-I'm ready to bust out of here!

I'm your basic Hunk.
Did I mention I'm a world class snuggler?


  1. Hahahaha! Oh Koooollleeyyyy, You had me at Mum Mums.

  2. hhahahha, cracking up, love the mohawk too

  3. OMGoodness - just looking at the picture is enough to get me pregnant again. He is adorable. :)

    I like the "wild streak" at the playground - you go dude!

    Great post.

  4. You ARE a world-class snuggler. I get jealous. You need to have a talk with Gage about being more snuggly with his mommy. I can't believe all the stuff you can do. You are amazing. You also forgot to mention that, when you make a break for it at the playground, you attempt to eat wood chips.
