Wednesday, February 2, 2011

To Infinity and Beyond!

This week the Groundhog brought me a new car seat.  What?  The Groundhog didn't bring you anything?  My new car seat is awesome.  I wouldn't even call it a car seat.  I would call it a Comfort-Enhancing-Recliner-with-built-in-Safety-Restraints.  Rolls off the tongue.  This was incredibly needed.  My other one was itty bitty.  For an itty bitty baby.  Not for me.  I'm a big baby.   But I AM still a baby and big or not I want a seat that fits me.  My mom and dad have been squeezing me into my Infant Seat (emphasis on infant) and I have to say... (Grandmas cover your ears)... it would make me cry.  Lots.  The fish was just too big for it's bowl.
But those days are gone.
I am flying first class these days.  Platinum baby!  First of all, it's roomy.  My feet don't hang off the bottom and my head doesn't hang out the top.  Already a big BIG plus.  (Emphasis on big.)  I can grow into this thing.  My mom is hoping it will last longer than six months.  I'm thinking it will.  I'm hoping it will.  I can live in my chair.  Which brings me to the second reason my heart beats for my chair.
My new chair has pillows!  PILLOWS!  I don't even get a pillow in my cribber.  There is a soft cushy pillow for my tushy.  There are pillows for my arms, so I can rest them while I look out the window (I'll hit that in a minute).  And there is a divine pillow that surrounds my entire head.  So I can sleep without a crick in my neck.  Oh, it's beautiful.
And, as I mentioned... I can see out the window.  Before two days ago, I didn't even know there was a window. 
And finally, I get a cup holder.  For my sippy.  I'm not allowed to drink and ride.  But... I'm looking forward to it.
I love it love it love it.
Thank you Groundhog.  I'm very happy.  And cozy.


  1. hahaha Awesome little Kole! I am so glad you got one of those fun comfy car seats!

  2. *Laughing* Lux life roller. Peace out K-Dog.

  3. Wow, that is so luxurious, Kole. I'm so glad you have a seat that fits. That makes car rides so much more pleasant.
