Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I Called The Witch Doctor

Today I went to the doctor and boy did I knock 'em dead.
My stats were on the charts for the first time. 
Weight: 23 pounds 12 ounces (98%)
Height:  28 3/4 inches (92%)
Head:  18 1/4 inches (93%)
They said I am heading towards the curve.  Not sky-rocketing anymore.  Now I am just regular Kole Giant Baby not Kole GIGANTOR Baby Extreme.  You can see I am out of the 99 percentile. In FACT (!) I lost one pound.  I'm still a pudgy boy with rolls, wrinkles, and flubber to spare.  But there is one whole pound less of it now.  I was at 24 pounds 8 oz. and now I'm at 23 pounds 12 oz.  Nothing to sneeze at.  (PS- I don't get that expression.  Am I supposed to sneeze at meager details?  Someone explain this to me before I really enter society.)
My doctor really swooned over me.  He said I had beautifully colored skin.  And it is allllll naturallll baby!  Let see.... what else did he say. (drumming my fingers) He said that I am a fantastic eater and lots of babies wouldn't eat as much as I do.  I eat 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 3.5-4.5 ounces of baby food.  Per sitting.  Mom was worried that she was sending me straight to OverEaters Anonymous- but Dr. Hatch assured her (and I) that I was getting just the right amount.  He said I can guide mom as to how much to feed me.  Did you hear that?  I guide mom.  If I want more?  I just open my mouth and mom is supposed to give me more.  Feels good to be in charge.  Well-(little secret) I've always been in charge it's just nice to have someone verify this.
My doctor also said that I was dealt a bad hand with my sinuses.  It's the stock I was bred from.  It is simply something I must cope with.  And I cope pretty well.  Mom is the one that is always worried.  I do just fine.  It sounds like I am really laboring to breathe- but a little congestion is not a biggie for me.
The shots weren't so bad.  I had the good nurse.  Lori.  She's fast and efficient and gives cool band-aids.  The actual injection doesn't hurt me.  It's one little poke.  I'm MegaBaby and I can handle it.  It's nothing.  I drank their little health elixir got one shot in the left and two on the right. It was nothing. I confess the second shot on the right stung a little.  Okay, it burned.  Alright, alright I screamed so loud the windows were rattling.  I just wasn't expecting it!  Mom was right there- how could something bad happen with mom right there.  I screamed and turned bright red and shot tears out of my eyes as fast as they would come.  Mom picked me up and I was fine.  I did keep a keen eye on Ms. Lori after that.  All smiley and sweet.  Boy was THAT a show.
So I cried a little after my shots.  Whattayagonna do about it?

I don't mind going to good doctor's office at all.  I get to sit around in my diaper and have people coo over me.  The doctor said I am very coordinated for a baby my age. He also said I am very smart and charming, dependable, cooperative, energetic, ambitious, friendly, an over-achiever, most likely to succeed.  Hehehe.  Okay I made up everything after smart.  But come one.  It's true wouldn't you say?  Grampa Poulsen says I'm "Coo-tastic."  I think we all would agree there.


  1. It is okay to cry when you get shots! I don't like them either! I wish I could cry when I get one! You are looking FABULOUS!

  2. Coo-tastic? I'm a fan of that phrase, Kole. I'm going to have to use that on my little man. Congrats on getting onto the growth chart! The same just happened to Gage, but, you know, on the other end of the chart... I hope your shots don't make you too grumpy for the next couple of days.

  3. In that second picture you look just like your dad!! So cute! I love Coo-tastic too:)
