Thursday, January 19, 2012

Half Birthday!

Grandpa Poulsen would probably tell me I'm 547.5 days old.  He's mathy like that.
That equates to a year and a half. 
And lemme tell ya...
Good times NEVER seemed so good.


  1. Hahaha! So many of those pictures make me giggle in delight. I'm kind of sad you've thinned out. I adored the Michelin Man look. But maybe your little brother/sister can be all Micheliney for me. Those bathtime pictures are still my ultimate favorite. And I love your facial expressions. You're a babe.

  2. um GREAT song selection! This is a keeper, HEY WE GOT A KEEPER HERE! Nice work Pat, I love Koley Bear, I love him I do
