Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Without A Doubt All Time Favorite Toys End of Discussion Period

I used to just lay under my Lions Den.

That was...

...before I knew...

...I could roll it!

It's like a Kolerized Hamster Wheel.
LOVE it!

I also love plastic cups.  Preferrably the ones from gas stations.  Bring me home a Big Gulp, Mama! 

Tupperware is hours of entertainment.

Speaking of entertainment, I know why they call them Entertainment Centers.  HOURS of joy from these handles.  It is literally a center of entertainment.

And there is still the trusty old mail to rip up.

So, if you've been thinking of me and wanting to get me a "Glad You're All Better" present- I thought I'd throw you a couple ideas.  No pressure.

1 comment:

  1. Kole, you make me smile so much. You're a mover and a shaker. It was fun hanging out with you last night. :)
